Our January, 2025 Kick-Off Luncheon was held at the Old Spaghetti Factory in the John's Landing area on Saturday, January 18th. Along with another great meal President Martha Brunelle conducted a planning meeting attempting to put together an event schedule for the year. Numerous ideas were presented but the entire year was not planned. As your web guy was not able to attend and take notes, Jim Sweet provided me with the following information:
Lots of ideas for the coming year, but nothing definitive that I picked up. Was a bit hard for me to hear it all. Took a few notes, but Becky was taking the minutes. Here's what I got. John V. put out several ideas. Guy from Vintage TBs was there and suggested a couple of joint outings that they have on their calendar. May 18th -- Drive to Cape Mears lighthouse, then lunch somewhere. Aug 16th -- Take in a movie at Hwy 99 drive-in in Newberg Don Smith suggested participating in a Sept car show that he is involved in. Did not get where, maybe Estacada? Aug 23rd Canby car show -- Jim Tyson (He was not there, but I know he was planning on setting that up again.) Maybe June -- Drive to Albany and/or Salem carousels -- John Calkin Maybe another night at PIR sometime this summer I mentioned I had been in contact with Mult. Falls for a possible lunch there. Parking is the main issue. I've talked with the main guy up there. He suggested checking back in Mar or Apr to maybe set something up in the fall after the prime season is over. Staffing will then be reduced and we may be able to use the staff parking lot. This is very iffy! I've emailed Leatherman Tools and called a couple of times. No luck contacting anyone yet. Their website has a video tour. Looks like it might be pretty tight to have a bunch of civilians going through the mfg plant.
I did not get if anything was planned for Feb. There is the business mtg on Mar 13th at Clackamas Elmer's. I think it was pushed back from 10am to 11am.