Thunderbird Summer Picnic Wrap Up Nancy and I want to thank all who attended this year’s joint Thunderbird summer picnic at our home. We had a great turnout of members from both the Rose City Thunderbirds and the Northwest Vintage Thunderbird Clubs and their beautiful cars. The weather was just about perfect for the event with lots of great food to supplement the BBQ Pork and Chicken main course.
At last count, we had 56 members evenly split among the two clubs attending. We even had Frank, Cathy and Kyle Stubbs, Mike and Bonnie Hall from the Seattle/Tacoma area Olympic Classic Thunderbird Club attend our event with their cars.
What an array of beautiful cars were in attendance; 10-1957 Thunderbirds, 1-1960 T-Bird, 1-1962 T-Bird, 1-1963 T-Bird, 1-1965 T-Bird, 3-1966 T-Birds, 4-Retro Birds, 1-1957 Skyliner, 1-1957 Sunliner rounded up the 23 cars (that weren’t in the Garage Ma-Hal) that I counted anyway. What a car show! Thanks to everyone who made this a great and fun event! Nancy and Mike Hinsch
Editors notes: The Garage Ma-Hal referred to above is Mike's personal collection of Fords, Edsels & Mercurys in his huge barn. Thanks to Mike and Nancy for hosting this multi-club picnic.