CTCI Region 6 Convention in Albuquerque, NM Six families from the Rose City Thunderbirds drove to Albuquerque for the convention. Only Roger & Ruth Kelley, Cliff & Marilyn Colvin and Frank & Cathy Stubbs drove their Thunderbirds. The Van Winkles, Sharps and Sailors' all drove their "Family Trucksters". (A Ford Flex, Ford F150, Ford Explorer respectfully). The Kelleys drove with Wilma & Clarke Hamm from the Olympic club. Roger had some carburetor problems en route but they were resolved and made it to Albuquerque fine. The Van Winkles and Sailors' drove together all of the way, with the Stubbs joining us for the last day. As far as I know the Sharps and Colvins drove by themselves all of the way. Along the way the Van Winkles and Sailors' stopped at several National Parks or Monuments for sight-seeing. There were 33 Thunderbirds in the Concours, another 33 were in Touring class. I don't have a count for those in Display. One of the Concours cars really didn't belong on the field as it wasn't complete but it is going to be very unique. There are no knobs, dials, levers, switches etc inside the car. All car functions are controlled by a computer. The design calls for an App on his cell phone to talk to an on-board computer that will then talk to another computer to control all the functions. I think it is a very interesting concept but very dangerous. If you want to roll a window up or down you must use an App on your phone, if you want to change the radio station or volume you must use an App on your phone, etc, etc. I can just see the accident claim coming down the road faster than he can switch Apps. Take a look at the photos below and you will see some shots of it. The highlight of the convention for our club was having Becky Jensen honored with a Gold Award for her work on our club newsletter the Bird Watcher. When you see Becky give her your congratulations. The highlight for me personally was the tour of the Unser Racing Museum. During our tour Al Unser came into the museum. He made himself available for questions, pictures, and general conversation. I found him very approachable and friendly. Again check out the photos below. I know that others continued to sight-see on the way home but Oleta and I went to Ft. Collins to visit my sister and then we just drove on home. Enjoy the photos below. In order they are: Smoky sunrise leaving Boise, Rocket Garden at American Thiokol (they make solid rockets including the boosters for the Space Shuttle), Golden Spike Memorial, Dead Horse Point and Canyon Lands, Arches National Park, Concours event, and lastly, the Unser museum.