October 20, 2018 tour of Jerry Logan’s car collection. There were 43 club members that met at Starbucks in Sherwood on a beautiful fall morning. Jim Petersen led a caravan of 14 little birds and other cars to Jerry Sharp’s farm in Sherwood. We enjoyed looking at some great cars. Jerry even had some nice birds for sale at attractive prices. And, yes, when you enter the Sharp’s farm you do cross the swamp as seen in two photos below.
Jim led the caravan to the Meriwether Golf course in Hillsboro for lunch. A couple cars got separated but found Meriwether a little later with their navigation system. The restaurant had a variety of menu options and gave us a private room for lunch. We were able to have a brief business meeting. Shelley, our treasurer, reported $200.93 in receipts and $132.50 in expenses. We have a healthy balance. Al noted that we need nominations for next year’s president and vice-president. They should be elected at the November meeting to allow them time to prepare for 2019. Let Al know who you think should be nominated.
Following lunch we had another caravan to the Logan Car Collection a couple miles from the golf course; the group got several honks and waves of appreciation. Jerry Logan has some great cars which were well worth the trip to enjoy their pristine condition. Note one of the cars is captioned as “Van Winkle T-Bird”. This is one that Dave Van Winkle restored several years ago. Jerry had just got back from his honeymoon and we appreciate him finding time for our club.
The last three photos are screen shots for Jim Sweet's dash cam. They provide a different point of view. Double click on them to get the full panoramic view.
Thanks to Jim Petersen and Jerry Sharp for putting this together. Article submitted by Al Hillier. Photos by Al Hillier, Jim Sweet and Shelly Roberts.