On Saturday, March 18 about 30 members of our club plus several guests met at Portland Engine Rebuilders for a complete tour followed by lunch at The Lucky Labrador Brew Pub. Below are several photos from the tour. Host Al Hillier set the event up for us. The engine in his Thunderbird was rebuilt here last year. Owner Ted King showed us their process from start to finish. After de-greasing and disassembly the engines are cleaned in a shot-peen machine. The block is filled with and blasted with steel shot to remove all cooked on oil deposits and rust. The block is then thoroughly flushed out to remove all residue. The block is then subjected to magnafluxing to look for any cracks or other faults. Then all necessary machine work is performed. I was extremely impressed with the accuracy to which they do their work. Crankshafts that are undersized can be restored with a special process to build up the journals and then grind them back to size. All parts are weighed and balanced before final assembly. As I said above Al's engine was rebuilt here. It was done properly including the odd-ball timing marks used on Ford Y-Blocks. It started up very easily and runs great.
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