Even with what started out to be a really lousy weather day 31 club members in numerous family cars and one brave family in their 1956 Thunderbird (thanks Todd Ernst) met at a Starbucks in Vancouver and then caravaned to Cedar Creek Grist Mill in Woodland, WA. Once there we were treated to a great presentation regarding the history of the mill and how it operates. It was originally built in 1875 and was one of the first to use water turbine vs. a waterwheel to power it. In addition to being a grist mill the building has housed a machine shop, a cedar shake mill and other water powered businesses. It had an apartment for awhile, it was also the center of social activities including dances in that part of Clark County for years. In 1961 the Fort Vancouver Historical Society got the Mill registered as a National Historical Place. It changed hands numerous times and fell into disrepair. In 1980 "The Friends of the Cedar Creek Grist Mill" took over mill and began restoring it. There is still more to be done but it is well underway with donations only. In addition to our members making donations we voted to have the club donate $100 to the Mill. After the history lesson the water turbine was powered up they began grinding wheat flour for us. It was placed in paper bags and handed out free. The bags were warm when given to you. Recipes for numerous products were available. I've already made a batch of pancakes - how can you say Ummm-Good. We left the mill and drove to Fargher Lakehouse Restaurant for lunch. Great burgers, great social time together and a short business meeting conducted by President Roger Kelley. Photos below by Jim Sweet and John Sailors Thanks to Frank & Anne Purner for planning this great event.