Thanks to our unbelievable run of summer-like weather extending into fall October 9th gave us gorgeous weather for a fall color-tour. Planning for this event was started by Frank Purner, who unfortunately had to hand it off to Bruce and Becky Jensen due to some health issues. Thanks to all of them for their work on this. Also thanks to Jim Sweet for all of the photos. I was unable to attend due to taking care of Oleta after her surgery, also our VP Dave Van Winkle was unable to attend due to a funeral for a friend. Per Jim's count we had 18 people, 4 "classic" birds, and 3 "retro" birds and a couple of other cars, which he did not attempt to count. Also from Jim's comments everyone had a great day, the tour was very good, and as before the Fargher Lakehouse Restaurant great. The stop at the Pull Caffe was very informative and interesting. Hope you enjoy these photos.