With somewhat threatening weather Don Landers and his son were the only ones to drive their Classic Thunderbird to Beez Holgate Station for lunch and on to the Oregon Rail Heritage Center.
I can only speak for myself but I thought the staff at Holgate Station did a great job since they were confused and were expecting us a week later. If you haven't been there it is worth going at least once if you enjoy looking at Betty Boop memorabilia. There are literally hundreds of statues, posters, clocks, and other images of Betty Boop all around you.
The visit to the Oregon Rail Heritage Center was really great. We were able to get up-close-and-personal with those very large, very heavy pieces of equipment. When you see a train engine cruising down the tracks you know it is big, but when you can walk up to and view to, climb up on a platform to look inside the cab it finally sinks into you how huge these things are. They are massive is all I can say. Then to realize that all of these are in running condition (with constant maintenance) you really appreciate the volunteers that take rebuild and take care of them.
The photos below were taken by Jim Sweet and John Sailors. In one photo you will see three Johns (Calkin, Soukup, Sailors) talking to docent Jim. In a couple of them we have Engineers Clark and Sweet at the controls of a slightly smaller engine.