Our January 2024 Annual Kick-Off Dinner was held at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Sherwood
30 of our members were present for an excellent Kick-Off Lunch on a cold dreary day - However, it was the first day in a week some of us had been able to venture out of our homes. The previous Saturday it snowed on and off all day, then the weather got cold and we ended up having ice on top of the snow, the roads, trees and power line. As late as the day before the lunch we still had questions if we could even hold the event. However, that morning the temperatures finally got above freezing enough to allow roads to clear in most areas. A lot of neighborhood roads were still covered in white but everyone that had signed up made to the restaurant except for one couple (and that was not weather related).
We had a brief meeting to elect Paul Lawson as our new VP for 2024, discuss upcoming events and hand over "the Pants" to incoming President Martha Brunelle. (See that photo below). For over 30 years this particular pair of pants has traveled from President to President. Each out-going President signs along with the years they were President. This is just a fun thing we do, and I hope to see that continue. Thanks to Dave and Sherri for setting this up.
Martha receiving "The Pants" as our 2024 President